Dear readers, today is Christmas Eve (and I believe by the time many of you are reading this, it is already Christmas). I wish all readers a Merry Christmas!
Whenever it comes to Christmas, I am reminded of Christmas presents from Santa Claus when I was younger (though I do not recall receiving any from Santas). As I grow older and wiser, I have come to appreciate Christmas for being a season of Thanksgiving and Joy! Christmas season is also the period when I (and I believe many of you) review the year and set goals for the upcoming new year!
This afternoon, I bought for myself a pair of sports shoes and sandals as well as a wallet. I bought these goods arising from need (the shoes, sandals and wallet have worn off) rather than want. In all, I paid $200 for the 3 items and I consider these as Christmas present to myself since tomorrow is Christmas day!
It is also a timely purchase considering that prices of some goods and services are likely to increase next year. The stall assistant who attended to me when I was shopping for the wallet shared with me that price of the wallet that I have bought is likely to be more expensive next year with the higher GST.
While many gather and celebrate Christmas, I find it also meaningful to spend some time with ourselves this Christmas feeling Thankful and Grateful for All that we have, including the simple joys in life! For example, I am Grateful for chancing upon a very good business strategy book in one of our public libraries this afternoon too and without any hesitation, I immediately borrowed it and have already “downloaded” most of the book today!
Merry Christmas!