Dear readers, I hope you are enjoying your Saturday as much like me for today is definitely one of the cooler days for Singapore in recent weeks. It is a good day for an outing, subject to safe distancing and safe measuring measures. Hence I may be going out for a good hike later today, solo.

In this post, I will share with you why I felt yesterday (18 Jun 2021) was a day of balance for two reasons.

First, the Singapore government announced a 0.3 month mid-year bonus for all Civil Servants (which is slightly more than the 0.25 month bonus which I have expected). 0.3 month is really a balance as it is near the midpoint of the zero mid-year bonus given to Civil Servants last year and the normally-given mid-year bonus of 0.5 in pre-Covid 19 years.

Second, the Singapore government announced the upcoming resumption of dining-in at maximum 2 diners per social group. This cap of 2 seems to me to be also a balance as it is near the midpoint of no dining (hence zero diners) during Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) and the cap of 5 diners per group during Phase 3.

Thus, given the two announcements yesterday, it seems to me that yesterday was a day of balance.

If you have been overworking and feeling rather stressed during the last five days of the week working and working non-stop (just like me), let us also make today a day of balance as well!

Stop looking at your work. Stop surfing aimlessly on your mobile phone. Let us spend more time with family, nature and the hobbies and things you like to do in your free time!

Have a Great weekends ahead!

That’s it for my insights today.  I Thank you once again for your support of SG STOCKS INVESTING, your Money and Lifestyle magazine! Connect with me here to follow the daily exciting and useful posts on these two blogs, Thank You for your support!

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