Dear readers, a Happy Chinese New Year to You and Family once again! How time flies, January 2022 is already over and we are now into February 2022. Let us take a look at just what has happened to the stocks markets in January 2022.

As usual, the stock markets opened in January 2022 with much hope and optimism. And it is not unexpected that stock analysts have given their top picks on which stocks will be winners for 2022. The top picks include  these five stocks with a potential capital upside of 15% to 30% in 2022 according to analysts.

The stock market optimism faded away when NASDAQ tumbled 2.5% on 13 Jan 2022. The US stocks markets continued to head south in general toward the remaining of January. Common results cited include uncertainties over the increase of interest rates by the US Federal Reserves and geopolitical tensions over Ukraine.

Amidst the current stock markets backdrop, a number of stock markets commentators, like Jeremy Grantham, have alerted on a possible stock markets corrections next. Some have even warned of a possible stock market  correction of 70% next.  Or that stock markets could correct 90% in the eventuality of a stock markets meltdown.

On the local front, January 2022 was the month where the three Singapore SPACs, Vertex SPAC, Pegasus SPAC and Novo Tellus SPAC debuted. And the debut of the three SPACs have been rather modest in term of capital appreciation, much below the expectation of the market, in my opinion.

Despite the stock market volatilities, I believe there is much optimism in the current Chinese New Year for a better year or better opportunities in year 2022.

That’s it for my insights today.  I Thank you once again for your support of SG STOCKS INVESTING, your Money and Lifestyle magazine! Connect with me here to follow the daily exciting and useful posts on these two blogs, Thank You for your support!

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