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Dear readers, during the Chinese New Year period, I have been feasting a lot, sleeping much later and watching many movies on TV. It was a really nice break from my hectic work!

Before I continue with this post, I would just like to highlight that actually and theoretically, Chinese New Year is not over yet! Chinese New Year generally lasts for 15 days from the 1st day of the first Chinese Lunar month to the fifteen of the month. And hence visiting relatives can be till the 15th of the 1st Chinese Lunar month (which is on 24 Feb 2024).

So what is one proud thing that I have done for Chinese New Year 2024?

Is it about catching up with lots of nap (despites sleeping late)?

Or is it eating lots of goodies as previously mentioned?

Well, no.

The proud thing is that after days of festive snacking, I willed myself for a 5km jog on the third day of Chinese New Year (12 Feb 2024)!

The jog was understandably not fast but I am proud that I made it especially on a day when many others in Singapore were still enjoying the holidays.

I feel normal after the 5km jog and seems to have burnt off some calories from days of calories overload!

While it is good and auspicious to indulge in something sweet for the Chinese New Year, it is good to go back to normalcy when it comes to diet after the festive season.

That’s it for my insights today.  I Thank you once again for your support of SG STOCKS INVESTING, your Money and Lifestyle magazine! Connect with me here to follow the daily exciting and useful posts on these two blogs, Thank You for your support!

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