Chinese New Year Chinatown


Dear readers, how have your Chinese New Year preparations been getting along?

How is your Chinese New Year festive spring cleaning?

How is your Chinese New Year Chinese notes exchange?

What plans have you and family make to fully enjoy and make full use of Chinese New Year holidays?

And how have your purchase of Chinese New Year festive goodies been? Have they been ready?

I am sorry that indeed, I have seemed to have asked too many questions! And this is precisely because Chinese New Year is just this Saturday!

Going back to today’s post, these few weeks, in the lead up to Chinese New Year, I have been very busy at work.

So much so that I have done a mad rush for some Chinese items like goodies which include Bak Kwa!

And the rush for Bak Kwa is all the more rewarding given that for this year, I would want to move away from the more popular brand names that are often trotted about like BCH or LCG to try something different!

Yes, that’s right! Why not try different cookies this Chinese New Year?

And this may set the path forward to trying out possibly new things this coming Year of the Wooden Dragon.

With new things come new learning and these could potentially change our lives for the better!

I have previously shared with you how I try to do one new thing a week this year and have a notebook to jot these down!

Collectively, 52 new things in a year could transform a person for the better in my belief for we become who we are from the things we do!

I hope you find the above beneficial!

Wishing You and Family a Blessed, Healthy and Prosperous Chinese New Year 2024!

That’s it for my insights today.  I Thank you once again for your support of SG STOCKS INVESTING, your Money and Lifestyle magazine! Connect with me here to follow the daily exciting and useful posts on these two blogs, Thank You for your support!

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