HPH AGM 2024


Dear readers, starting off this post, a gentle reminder once again to start using your $300 CDC vouchers.

The CDC vouchers comprise $150 vouchers for use at supermarkets, and another $150 for use at hawkers and heartland merchants, do not wait till last minute to use them!

The release of the CDC coincides with Chinese New Year, so it should be easy for many to use up the CDC vouchers, in particular the supermarket one. For myself, one shopping trip for Chinese New Year groceries easily used up the $150 vouchers, with extra cash top ups from myself.

For the $150 vouchers for hawker and heartland merchants, this time round, I find that merchants who display the CDC vouchers decals are fewer. Hence I do not readily spent the $150 CDC vouchers. To my best of my memory, even some of those heartland merchants who participate in the CDC voucher scheme that I read on the CDC website also do not readily show their CDC vouchers decal too. I was also surprised that a café located at a community centre does not accept CDC vouchers. It is a bit ironical since this café is situated at a government building and I thought at least by virtue of this, this café should at least support CDC vouchers.

Thus far, I have only spent less than $10 of the CDC vouchers buying some breads and I met with a few rejections at food stalls when I tried to use the CDC vouchers (I did not really check back whether those stalls really are not on the CDC vouchers website). From reactions on the ground, I do not know why, it seems some merchants are generally not keen to accept CDC vouchers.

But we should try out best to use the $150 CDC vouchers as doing so, we will save $150 of our cash.

That’s it for my insights today.  I Thank you once again for your support of SG STOCKS INVESTING, your Money and Lifestyle magazine! I also run another blog Singapore Stocks Investing with similar useful insights! Connect with me here to follow the daily exciting and useful posts on these two blogs, Thank You for your support!

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