Batam Layer Cakes Best


On my recent trip to Batam, my wife and I went looking for the Best Batam Layer Cakes in Batam, having noted that Batam is famous for its delicious Batam Layer Cakes. Before our arrival in Batam, we did the necessary research and shortlisted the following Batam Layer shops for consideration to buy:

1. Lamoist Layer Cakes

2. Diana Layer Cakes

3. Batam Layer Cakes

Our first encounter with Batam Layer Cakes was at no other than “Batam Layer Cakes” in the vicinity of the Golden Prawn 933 restaurant in Batam where we had lunch.


We tasted several varieties of the Layer Cakes from “Batam Layer Cakes” which as the following pictures show are yummy

Best Batam Layer Cakes
Prune Batam Layer Cakes
Chocolate Batam Layer Cakes
Chocolate Batam Layer Cakes
Fresh Pandan Batam Layer Cakes
Fresh Pandan Batam Layer Cakes
Cinnamon Batam Layer Cakes
Cinnamon Batam Layer Cakes
Cheese Batam Layer Cakes
Cheese Batam Layer Cakes

before deciding to purchase 1 kg of the prune-flavour (which we found it the Best) at around SGD 25 dollars.

Due to our travel itinerary, we were not brought to Diana Layer Cakes but at the rest of our journey, we were greeted with Lamoist Layer Cakes stores in the shopping malls which my wife and I went to. We sampled Lamoist Layer Cakes which was good but we preferred the Layer Cakes from “Batam Layer Cakes”. Hence we were very happy that we managed to purchase the “Batam Layer Cakes” layer cakes especially since there were only one other outlet at Nongsapura ferry terminal (which was also out of our travel itinerary).

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