Dear readers, the $12 million TOTO Hong Bao Draw will be held tomorrow (23 Feb 2024) at 930pm. The Hong Bao $12 million TOTO draw will be held at 2130 hours at Singapore Pools Building.

I saw many queuing up for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win $12 million dollars! And I also joined in the hope and aspiration of many, to be a millionaire!

There is actually one sure way to win the TOTO Hong Bao Draw or also lose Big Big!

So, what am I all talking about?

Well, it all has to do with the probability of winning $12 million. So, what is this probability?

Given 49 numbers, the probability of winning the grand prize of $12 million is 1 out of (49x48x47x46x45x44) or 1 in 10,068,347,520 of a chance to get 6 numbers out of 49 numbers correct. Or close to 1 in 10 million chance to put it simply.

To win Big Big: that is, to win the first coveted prize of $12 million, one can simply place $1 bet on all 10,068,347,520 sets of 6 numbers or spend around $10 million in all to win $12 million for a profit of $2 million!

But there is also a risk of lose Big Big.

In such a large prize TOTO draw, there is likely more than one winner for the grand prize.

Assuming 2 winners of grand prize with equal split of $6 million, the individual who places the $10 million bet will actually lose $4 million despite winning the first prize!

And if there are 10 winners, the above individual will win $1.2 million but lose $8.8 million in effect!

I hope you find the above interesting.

To add, there is also a sure win method for the $12 million draw for many and that is to … simply walk away and not to bet. In this case, no win and no lose, though I believe for some, even a $1 bet is a ticket to a Great dream!

If you are betting on the $12 million TOTO Hong Bao Draw, wish you All the Best!

And please DO NOT take my recommendation to bet $10,068,347,520 for Hong Bao Draw tomorrow, if you have this monies! There can be more than one winner for tomorrow Hong Bao Draw!

And even there is only one winner, the risk of losing Big Big is also Great!

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