Cost of Climate Change


Dear readers, some time ago, I shared on SG Stocks Investing my estimate for the 2021 Civil Service Year-End bonus (you can read or re-read it here: CIVIL SERVICE 2021 YEAR END BONUS: HOW MUCH? ( As of this time in writing, the 2021 Civil Service Year-End Bonus has not been released and I do not know whether my estimate is correct.

Joke aside, in my humble opinion, I always feel that every time the Government announces the quantum of the year-end bonus for civil servants, the bonus quantum may be referenced by the private sector for consideration of its bonus to their employees.

A 2021 Year-End bonus for all employees be they in the government or private sector is not just good; it is Great! This is because, a year-end bonus this year is not just an ordinary bonus: it is an extraordinary bonus for the extraordinary employees!

All employees are extraordinary this year as many of us continue to work in the current challenging times of Covid-19. Along the course of the year, many employees continue to do their best for the employers despite having to make a number and frequent adjustments in their work routine arising from Covid-19.

Yes, I have heard you: adapting to work-from-home whether or not our houses are well fit for working; working and teaching our kids who are on home-based learning at the same time; learning to appear one’s best when appearing for Zoom meetings; having to convince bosses that we are still performing at the top of our games despite being physically out of sight for most of the time this year or for the past two years; and even investing in better furniture to support sitting for hours working from home (like myself, I bought a more comfortable office chair for some S$300).

And let us not forget front-line workers who have worked hard to protect the lives of Singaporeans. We must also not forget employees who may have had lost their jobs or have had their salaries reduced during the Covid-19 period and are working hard in their jobs or to find jobs.

As Year 2021 draws to a close, I hope all employers can give their employees the best bonus that employers can give, as far as practical. A bonus will be a small gesture of reward for all employees who are extraordinary this year!

That’s it for my insights today.  I Thank you once again for your support of SG STOCKS INVESTING, your Money and Lifestyle magazine! Connect with me here to follow the daily exciting and useful posts on these two blogs, Thank You for your support!

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