Tupai King durians in Singapore are among the most expensive durians here. But are they the real deals?

Dear readers, I am a durian lover and love especially Mao Shan Wang or Musang King durians even though this breed of durians is among the most expensive in Singapore. But do you know that there is a Tupai King durian in Singapore which can be counted easily as the most expensive durian in Singapore? And if you are paying top bucks for Tupai King durian in Singapore, it is important to ask whether the Tupai King durian in Singapore: authentic?

In the most recent Talking Point episode, host Diana Ser went all the way up north to Malaysia to the farm of the Malaysian farmer who cultivated the Tupai King durian!

According to the episode, the farmer discovered the Tupai King durian in a vegetation and started cultivating it. The annual volume of Tupai King durian is rare, about just 1,000 a year as compared to the hundreds of tons of Musang King durians exported to Singapore. This is why Tupai King durians command such a hefty price tags.

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From the episode, Tupai King durians are identified by their shape as they do not look the same as ordinary durians. The flesh of Tupai King durians is not as yellow as Musang King durians but instead are orange in colours with hues of white or grey. Diana Ser and her colleagues tasted the Tupai King and their comments were that they tasted much better than Musang King durians!

The Malaysian farmer who cultivated Tupai King durians has a certificate of certification from the Malaysian government. When asked, the farmer replied that his farm does not export Tupai King durians to Singapore. This begs the question are the Tupai King durians sold in Singapore authentic? Watch the video to find out more!

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