Dear readers, yesterday, the government announced, as part of its further Covid-19 easing that all workers can go back to office from next Tuesday 26 Apr 22. Currently, I am going back to office for an average of two times a week.
When I read of the increased frequency of the return to office, I was greeted with a mix of both happiness and reluctance. Happiness as in that Singapore is one of the countries in the world to resume back to the pre-Covid-19 normalcy. Reluctance as in that I am used to working from home for the past two years and I witness how working from home really boosts my work productivity.
Working from home allows me to shave 2 hours daily from public commute to my workplace and with that 2 hours of extra time on work, I can accomplish more.
Working from home enables me to really focus on the tasks on hand, preventing and eliminating distractions at work from colleagues’ interruptions.
Working from home also keeps me safer with not much interaction with others.
I really hope that employers can still allow employees to work from home on some days of the week as it will in general still goes towards improving employees’ work life balance.