Straits Times Index stocks


Dear readers, there are three oversold Singapore Reits and Trusts which are oversold. These Reits and Trusts are:

Asian Pay Television Trust

Frasers Hospitality Trust

ParkwayLife Reit

Asian Pay Television Trust is currently undervalued at a Price-to-Book ratio of 0.158 and offers a dividend yield of 9.6%.

Frasers Hospitality Trust is currently undervalued at a Price-to-Book ratio of 0.571 and offers a dividend yield of 5.5%.

Parkway Life Reit is currently not undervalued and its dividend is about 4.1%.

With Reits and Trusts not spared by Covid-19, many Reits and Trusts have been trading at much lower prices. This has resulted in their dividend yield (past on past dividends paid) to be higher. Once the updated lower dividends are factored for, dividend yields should be normalized with an adjustment down.

Hence don’t be too enamored of Reits and Trusts. They may be much welcome a decade ago as mechanism of income dividend strategies but the economy after Covid-19 is a totally different ball game.

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