Weekends are here! Let us plan our weekends and fully relax!

Dear readers, today is Friday once again and weekends will be here soon here!

And like many other employees, I welcome weekends as weekends provide me with a brief respite from work.

It might not really be a respite since work is always on my mind as like many, I spend a great part of my waking hours on work. Also, work is just a laptop and a Whatsapp message away.

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It is only when during the two days offered by weekends that I do not need to log in to my work laptop or to respond to work-related Whatsapp and also plan my weekends well, that I truly feel relaxed.

It is precisely when weekends are fully utilized such that we enjoy them, that we will feel that weekends come and go very quickly.

I try my very Best to plan everyday well such that beside the hectic work, I am able to achieve balance in all other aspects of life.

This is especially so with age, I can inevitably feel my health is declining and health symptoms associated with hours and hours of sitting in office surface or even other potential health issues. As such, Health will continue to be a priority for me as I continue to tackle the incessant and overwhelming workload.

Ganbatte Everyone! Happy weekends!

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