Dear readers, welcome to SG Stocks Investing: Your Money & Lifestyle Magazine!
I am Tom K and I am always interested in financial matters. I am trained in Electrical Engineering, graduated from NUS with Good honors, worked as a process industry engineer before and am now in the corporate line.
As Featured on:
SG Stocks Investing has been featured in media and events like the following:
Smart Investment and International Property Expo 2019:

Invest Fair 2019

Why set up
Since I was young, my parents inculcated in me the importance of frugality and savings. And to today, decades later, I am still tracking daily my expenditure, down to the very cent as well as monitoring my monthly savings. All these good and timeless habits stand me in good stead today as they help me with regular assessment of my financial health.
During undergraduate days, I worked as a part-time tutor and experienced for myself earning real monies first time! I also appreciate the entrepreneurial feel: the more tuition assignments I take, the harder I work and the more monies in my pockets. But more importantly, I am Grateful for being of help to my students academically.
After undergraduate days, I spent some time researching into insurance and I am glad today that I have set a good foundation for insurance earlier on in life for myself and family.
And naturally, for the course of finance, the next station of investment is inevitable! I started my investment journey, only in my late twenties. I still remember and am still proud today, that how with just simple moving averages analysis on a humble excel spreadsheet, I made my first trade in the then Noble Group and exited shortly with a great profit! But like quite many, I also paid tuition fees to Mr Market. While it pained me to see how hard-earned monies could simply be gone via these investment, the experience only serve to further sharpen my investing skills and refine my focus.
As I advance in age and navigate through life, I further learnt and continue to hone my skills in finance planning, be it finance planning for property, family and retirement in time to come.
As you can see from my introduction above, Money and Lifestyle are always interrelated, and it applies to everyone and not just myself. I set up SG Stocks Investing initially to focus on the Singapore stocks markets and have since repositioned it as “Your Money & Lifestyle Magazine” exactly since Money and Lifestyle are so interconnected for all of us. I always find that there is a scarcity of resource that centre on Money and Lifestyle here. Out of frustration at the scarcity of aforementioned offerings, here I am, with my humble SG Stocks Investing for you!
I really hope you will find my sharing here on SG Stocks Investing here useful as I share my experiences, commentary and insights on sustainable wealth creation here. I look forward to connecting with you, right here on SG Stocks Investing!