How much does it cost for Satays at Satay Street?

Dear readers, recently my family and I had a meal at Satay Street in Lau Pa Sat.

Needlessly to mention, our meal at Satay Street would naturally comprise satays and seafood.

I very rarely came to Satay Street for a meal. Upon descending onto Satay Street, one of the operators of a stall in Satay Street, beckoned to us and were very emphatic in us following him to a seat even though it was early evening then and seats were abundant. We followed him and after being seated, he placed the menu of his stall to take our order.

He might have taken my family and I as tourists, or he might not. Though he treated himself akin to the owner of the whole Satay Street, I was street-smart to politely but very firmly declined him and his menu as his stall was not the one where we would buy our food. Our target stall was the only stall there with long queues.

The tactics of the very emphatic stall operator worked well on other tourists I observed and they ordered from him. I believe they may have mistaken him as a “restaurant owner” and that they did not know that they actually could have a choice on which stall to patronise.

Our food came after 30 mins and this attest to the roaring business that this stall which we patronised had. In all, we paid $28 for the set of satays you see in the photo here: 10 chicken satays, 10 mutton satays and 6 BBQ prawns. Each chicken/mutton stay cost $0.80 each and 1 BBQ prawn costs $2 each.

The satay meat are not as long as the satays I usually buy at neighbourhood, but I would treat the price I paid as also paying to dine under the sky with my family eating good old satays.

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