SAF Day 2024


Dear readers, today is SAF Day and being a SAFRA member, I look forward to the many exciting deals for NSmen and SAFRA members.

One SAF Day promotion that caught my attention was a free scoop of ice cream from Swensens.

I intentionally made my way to a participating Swensens outlet today.

When I reached the Swensens counter, I proudly displayed the SAFRA promotion featuring the free scoop of ice cream to the counter staff, and was very happy and proud to be a NSman today.

To my surprise, the counter staff replied me that the promotion was not applicable today.

Initially, I thought that the counter staff has made a mistake.

Here I was, at a participating Swensens outlet, I as an eligible and legitimate NSman who has served Singapore during full time NS days and during my reservist and having made all my way here for this one scoop of ice cream. And while the promotion is not applicable for public holidays, today (1 Jul 2024) is not a public holiday at all.

However, the counter staff was insistent. She nonchalantly told me that this free ice cream offer is not on offer today as today is a special occasion: Youth Day! She asked me to look at the fine print in my SAFRA app and I did notice that one of the footnotes for the free scoop of ice cream did stipulate that the offer is not redeemable on special occasions including Teachers Day but there was no mention of Youth Day!

I was rather amused and perturbed at the staff’ response. Today is SAF Day, when all NS men, be they operationally ready NS man or reservist celebrate SAF Day. Isn’t it today (SAF Day) a special occasion when all NS men are appreciated for their contributions to the nation? And why was I being penalized when I would want to redeem this free ice cream on this special day and occasion that celebrates the contributions of NSmen? Why was I told that today is Youth Day, a special occasion (to me, many years ago) but not so applicable to me now, that the ice cream is not for redemption for me, a former solider who serves Singapore?

I shook my head in disappointment and walked away from the Swensens Outlet. I could not believe that I made my way to the participating Swensens Outlet, to redeem just one scoop of ice cream that I am eligible for, only to be told by the Swensens staff that today is a special occasion (Youth Day) and hence I am no longer eligible for that one scoop of icecream.

I am not hard up for that one scoop of ice cream, it is just the principles of the so-called special occasion that are jarring to me.

As I walked away from the Swensens outlet, I ensured that I hold my head up, proud to be a NSman, despite this disappointing episode and marched away like a dutiful solider, just as I did so many years ago: left, left … left, right, left.

This episode would not deter my salute to every NSmen who has served our nation with all of our hearts. Here, wishing All readers who have served NS and Singapore a Happy SAF Day!

And wishing you have a successful redemption of the SAF Day promotions okay?

That’s it for my insights today.  I Thank you once again for your support of SG STOCKS INVESTING, your Money and Lifestyle magazine! Connect with me here to follow the daily exciting and useful posts on these two blogs, Thank You for your support!

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