Dear readers, as an avid lover of Chap Cai Peng, I have noticed the general price increase trend of this favourite dish of mine.
Firstly, what is Chap Cai Peng? Well, Chap Cai Peng is none other than the Chinese mixed vegetable rice dish, which is commonly found in food stalls all over Singapore. I love Chap Cai Peng as I get to choose what goes with my rice. I get to choose the healthy and nutritious things like eggs, vegetables and meat, topped off with some curry please!
When outside for work or leisure, whereever possible, I will get to buy Chap Cai Peng from various parts of Singapore. And my order will always be in the combination of 1 egg, 1 vegetables and 1 meat. Buying Chap Cai Peng from various parts of Singapore has equipped me with a knowledge of the price of Chap Cai Peng sold at different locations in Singapore. And it is precisely through the aforementioned that I have discerned that the price of Chap Cai Peng has gone up.
What used to be 1 egg, 1 vegetables and 1 meat, from what I have experienced used to cost on average $2.80 to $3.50, but in recent times, this combination is now at least $3.20 to $4.20.
Again, this price increase is definitely due to effects of inflation from what I believe: cost to stall holders increase and translated into higher prices for customers.