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Dear readers, every National Day, there will be National Day Awards, i.e. National Day Awards 2023 (for this year) given to individuals who have made contributions to our country. We will see names of hundreds of National Day Awardees on newspapers on National Day and the days following National Day.

I would believe National Day Awards 2023 is also for all the ordinary Singaporeans, who have worked hard, day in and day out, in each of our different capacities for the betterment of Singapore. And to continue working hard and striving better for ourselves and families, amidst the more uncertain economy and against the backdrop of higher cost of living in recent times.

This Singapore National Day, I believe all Singaporeans celebrate not just the birthday of Singapore but I also hope, we will take time to recognise our individual achievements and contributions to the nation, no matter how humble they may be. For example, even a humble act of giving up seat to the elderly in train or saving up for ourselves and families is worth celebrating, in my opinion.

On this National Day, SG Stocks Investing wishes all living and working in Singapore a Happy National Day and holidays. Let us continue to work hard and play hard, help one another, stress less, exercise more, eat more healthily.

Let us dress in red, sing our beloved National Day songs (catch all National Day songs from 1998 to 2023 here), sing our National Anthem tomorrow on Singapore’s birthday.

Majulah Singapura!

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