Year 2023


Dear readers, yesterday on 11 Sep 2021, I made my first jog outdoors in Covid-19 endemic Singapore where recent Covid-19 community cases reached above 500.

If you are a regular reader of SG Stocks Investing, you would have read that since Circuit Breaker last year, I have reduced my outdoor jogs unmasked in Singapore and have discovered a new walk of getting fit: brisk walking for long distances (averaging 5km) masked outdoors. After the return to Phase 2 of Circuit Breaker, I have totally stopped my outdoor unmasked jogs in view of larger number of local Covid-19 cases. Since then, my outdoor jogging stopped totally for about 4 months now and I felt a difference: weight gain and my belly became bigger. It did not help that my work-from-home has been hectic and have me sit down for hours daily. I feel less energetic than before.

With a clearer direction by the government now on living with Covid-19, I have made a decision, and that is I could not postpone indefinitely my outdoor jogging regime. This is now a new normal for Singapore and new normal calls for new habits like wearing masks outdoors. I have decided that I should also adjust my outdoor run given the new normal. I made my first outdoor jog yesterday in Covid endemic Singapore, masked up!

While it is not mandatory for joggers to wear masks while jogging, I decided to mask up and jog to provide protection in this new normal where Covid-19 is spreading in Singapore. Many of the joggers in the park I jogged did their jogging unmasked. But I saw one man who was like me, jogging masked up.

It is a totally different story when I jogged masked up. Jogging masked up made my jogging even more strenuous as I seem to need to exert more for each breath of fresh air while jogging. It is really challenging to jog masked up as a result of that and I really urge all of you not to follow me unless you are fit and would like to jog masked too.

My timing for my jog masked up of my targeted distance definitely was much longer than my usual unmasked jog and this is really understandable. I am continuing my jog not to challenge myself but to have a good workout of my heart and muscles.

I wish You and Your Family and Loved Ones Stay Safe and Stay Strong in Covid-19 endemic Singapore. Remember it is all about probability, just like investing when it comes to Covid-19. We have a reduced probability with Covid-19 if we continue to mask up, stay home as far as possible, practise safe distancing and management habits.

That’s it for my insights today.  I Thank you once again for your support of SG STOCKS INVESTING, your Money and Lifestyle magazine! Connect with me here to follow the daily exciting and useful posts on these two blogs, Thank You for your support!

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