Dear readers, at this time of writing, it is 31 December 2019 midnight Singapore time. This is the last day of Year 2019! At this very moment, I am summarizing my financial report card for this year 2019 and sharing with you all. No problem typing right at this timing since I have acquired a habit of sleeping late whenever it comes to December. I don’t know about you, but it seems that when it comes to December, it will be auto-pilot for me to sleep late and no, the recent solar eclipse (if I get the term correct) that happened in Singapore was not to be blamed. It seemed that whenever December comes, I tend to be rather nostalgic and reflective. Reflective of what I have done over the year which really seem to just fly by. Looking at which goals I have or have not achieved. And just to mention, normally when I sleep, I will sleep through soundly but when December comes and I would have sleep with many dreams, hence making me even more tired!

Speaking of this post which is to review my financial report card for this year 2019, how ironical it is when my review got interrupted thinking about the higher bus fares which kicked in last week and the just announced electricity price hikes! I have already calculated that I would spend about twenty cents more each day on my daily commute (since I don’t drive and trust me it is not necessarily because that I am saving a “warchest” to invest when markets correct- as I have often shared- though it definitely will help). I have already done a quick calculation that at these higher public transport fares, I would easily foregone a McDonalds Extra value meal of about $6 each month.

Enough and enough, let us get to the gist of my (Tom K’s) financial report card 2019!

First, a B+ for my investing and A- for my Savings .

As I have shared before, I had done rather well in my investments especially during the first half of the year where I profited from trading in the US stocks markets. I have also not deployed fresh capital into investing for the year which really helped since markets get pretty much volatile, beyond the expectations of many. That said, while I have some gains, I will give myself a B+ since overall the stocks markets and economy have not been very good. Looking forward to an A for next year in investing and for that to happen, it is about timing, opportunities and whether investors have the resources to take advantage of the markets at the correct times!  As I have not deployed new funds to investing in Year 2019, my savings for the year have also increased much beside my daily tracking of every expenditure on Excel spreadsheet.

Second, a B- for my career.

Well, career is important to many of us employees in the financial sense. And I believe you are interested that I am sharing some glimpses of my career right here since this is an area that I do not talk much about right here on SG Stocks Investing. For my career, I have given my Best and am confident at work but when a new boss came later in 2019, my work was rather affected and now I am trying my best to adjust. Enough of this here since it is a truism that whatever we focus on grows. Hence we should always think positive!

Third, a A for SG Stocks Investing

I am proud to say and to give myself a A grade for SG Stocks Investing, this very platform which you are reading right now. In July this year, I made a bold move to shift Singapore Stocks Investing from the free blogspot platform which I have been using for years to this paid platform. The reason is simple, it is all about you the readers. Moving on to this paid platform would provide me with more opportunities to offer more to readers in terms of contents. Here, as a heads-up, I will be making even more improvements to SG Stocks Investing for Year 2020 to give readers even more in terms of insights!  I have a goal to make SG Stocks Investing one of the most popular financial blogs around, so stay tuned!

Last but not least, a B for my Health

To start the review in the health front, it is easy. Just recap what some seem to suggest on a local athlete in the SEA Games 2019. Yes, I found myself getting heavier and it is no joke since I am getting older as well. Age catches up and despite my focus on a fitness regime against the backdrop of a unrelentless sedentary lifestyle, I think I would have to work harder and be fitter in the coming year. I am exploring a health check for myself too and I recommend it to all of you since it will be good to know how our body changes all over the year.

And after typing quite a fair bit and yes I think I am now sleepier to finally sleep….. That’s it for my review of my financial report card for Year 2019!

I wish you and family Love, Joy and Happiness and a prosperous and healthy Year 2020! And I know you will like me be grateful or try to be grateful for all the things that we have and strive to improve ourselves in all areas of life while doing our best to overcome the challenges that life could offer us as valuable lessons at times.

I have chosen the picture of a Bull for this post and the meaning is simple: let us strive for a Great Year 2020! Wishing You and Your family All the Best once again!

That’s it for my insights today.  I Thank you once again for your support of SG STOCKS INVESTING, your Money and Lifestyle magazine! Connect with me here to follow the daily exciting and useful posts on these two blogs, Thank You for your support!

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