Dear readers, I am not sure whether you are familiar with the Money Mind programme which has been airing on Mediacorp for quite a number of years now.

I have been an ardent viewer of Money Mind for many years now given my interest in finance.

I appreciate Mediacorp’s production of Money Mind programme given that this is one of the very few programmes on Singapore TV that is tailored for financial-related information.

And given the fact that I have been watching the programme for so many years, I have seen a change in the focus of the contents of the programme. Unlike the Money Mind of yester-years which provide insightful contents, the Money Mind programme in recent months seems to be a “How to Invest” programme that is tailored for new and novice investors in general.

The Money Mind programme is typically a 3-segment show for each episode and the bulk of each episode in recent months has been on how one can better invest, save or grow one’s monies. There is nothing wrong with financial education but the direction of the contents seems to be different from the very unique contents both foreign and local that I associate Money Mind with and which I appreciate (as for financial education, there is simply too much of these contents on Youtube).

The presenters of Money Mind have also been changing and with each presenter, the style is different and overall, renders an inconsistent presentation . Just earlier this year, under one presenter, I was quite surprised that the programme seems to be the presenter’s  very own Youtube show from how the video shoots were taken, with so much focus and host time dedicated to the presenter.

I appreciate the Money Mind series and strongly suggest the team continue to make more insightful contents and move away from investor education where there is abundance of contents on the internet.

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