Dear readers, meals form the bulk of my expenditure, and with cost of things generally going up, let me share with you how much I spent on food on a regular basis and my take on this.
For yesterday (23 Nov 22):
Breakfast: Prepared own Bread for family, hence not bought outside
Lunch: Mixed vegetable and chicken rice (total: $12.90) for family
Dinner: Cook own food, hence not bought outside
Hence total expenditure on food is $12.90.
I believe some readers would consider to add the actual or estimated cost of breakfast and dinner that were prepared or cooked at home in; well the costs for these have been tracked in the groceries column of my expenditure spreadsheet.
Based on the above prices, you would have been right to know that lunch is bought from a neighbourhood coffeeshop and prices are still reasonably okay. And that is why I turn to this coffeeshop regularly for meals on the back of increased prices.