Dear readers, it is no longer news that with effect from 1 Jan 2022, work from home (WFH) is no longer the default. With the cessation of WFH, more employees are returning to office more often, including myself.
I have been working from home for the past two years since the start of Covid-19 and trust me, the workload has not become less. However, I feel that WFM provides me with just the focus and removal of unnecessary work distraction at work and commuting time to manage my workload.
Into the start of January 2022, I have been returning to office more, often for meetings. I found myself spend double the time on work since going back to work for meetings means I could not pretty much do the work that could be done during the meeting hours. I end up “da bao” (take away) by continuing to work into the night after return home.
I know face-to-face social interaction is important at work. But given that Covid-19 is far from over and what’s more with the more transmissible Omicron becoming the more dominant Covid-19 strain in Singapore, I would have prefer to still stick to the WFH arrangements for now to reduce unnecessary exposure to Covid-19.
Take Care Everyone. Please continue to Stay Safe and Stay Strong!