Mid-Autumn Festival is here today! It is time for Mooncakes!

Dear readers, today is Mid-Autumn Festival. I wish readers who celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival today a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Whenever it comes to Mid-Autumn Festival, mooncakes will come to the mind of many. Mooncakes these days are more expensive and the average price seems to be around $80 for a box of 4 mooncakes or around $20 per mooncake.

Each mooncake can be sliced into quarters and one quarter which can be consumed in one or two mouthfuls of the quarter costs easily $5. Such is the state of the high price of mooncakes these days! However as one marketer interviewed in the mass media wisely commented, Mid-Autumn Festival is a once-in-a-year festival and there will still be individuals and families who do not mind paying a bit more for the mooncakes.

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There are mooncakes and there are also premium mooncakes which are sold at even higher prices! The premium mooncakes are those which are made different from traditional mooncakes like fruit mooncakes. I thought for an individual who bought durian mooncakes, the price paid for the durian mooncakes can easily allow him to buy many durians to enjoy. Same thinking for the other fruity version of the mooncakes!

What is Mid-Autumn Festival without mooncakes? So, while I do believe that mooncakes are expensive, eventually I bought some decently priced mooncakes from a decent brand yesterday: Bengawan Solo. After some discounts, I bought 4 Bengawan Solo mooncakes for around $50, which to me is a reasonable price.

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I will also find out whether the mooncakes are also value-for-quality tonight when my family and I enjoy them. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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