Dear readers, today is Labour Day and I wish every worker (like myself) a Happy Labour Day 2024!

I believe many will relate to Labour Day in Singapore’s context in two ways.

First, Labour Day is a public holiday where workers generally take a break from work and enjoy time with families or in one’s pursuit outside of work.

And second, Labour Day is one where for some there may be some good deals to look forward to. For myself, I am looking forward to the 50-cent coffee for NTUC members for a limited period from today, as previously shared. I am going to get the coffee soon!

I vividly remembered my first few Labour Days which I celebrated as a worker.

First, I define myself formally as a worker not at the point when I joined the workforce after graduation but some years before that, when I was serving National Service.

To me, the fact that I received an allowance during National Service would count me as a worker even though National Service is a compulsory duty for every Singapore man to protect our lands.

In my National Service days, beside the main training, there were also guard duties to be done on an adhoc basis for each serviceman. Very coincidentally, I had guard duties scheduled on almost all the Labour Days while I was in National Service, as I recalled being in camp doing guard duties while the remaining of my camp mates were away on holidays.

And this is how I remember my first few Labour Days as a worker! Even though I have no grudges to staying back in camp to perform an important and official duty.

Fast forward to today, Labour Day is a much-deserved break from my hectic work where I have an excuse not to switch on my work laptop on or after work to continue clearing the never-ending workload!

Let us enjoy Labour Day today to the fullest today! Happy Labour Day!

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