In one of the previous posts, we have talked about two debt-less, high ROE stocks. In this post, we will talk about TWO GOOD SINGAPORE STOCKS . Yes, that’s right, TWO GOOD SINGAPORE STOCK  that share the following metrics:

a) Undervalued with a Price-to-Book ratio of below 1
b) Debt to Equity ratio of below 50%
c) High Return-on-Equity of more than 10% and
d) Dividend yield of more than 5%

What are these two Singapore stocks which exhibit the above metrics?

Well, the two stocks are:

Ban Leong: with a Price-to-Book ratio of 0.88, ROE of 11.8%. Dividend Yield of 6.12% and Debt-to-Equity ratio of 13.62%

Delong: with a Price-to-Book ratio  of 0.44, ROE of 28.5%. Dividend Yield of 9.15% and Debt-to-Equity ratio of 43.02%

Frankly speaking, beside noticing the names of the aforementioned two stocks before, these two stocks would not have come out to me as stocks having some good fundamentals if not for this stock screening exercise. Please do your due diligence into these two stocks before considering any form of investment. E.g. are the dividends sustainable or are the ROEs consistent across years?

That’s it for my insights today.  I Thank you once again for your support of SG STOCKS INVESTING, your Money and Lifestyle magazine! I also run another blog Singapore Stocks Investing with similar useful insights! Connect with me here to follow the daily exciting and useful posts on these two blogs, Thank You for your support!

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