Dear readers, with effect from today, more employees will go back to office more. This week marks the start of the new post-Covid-19 working arrangement for Singapore which is described by the authorities as a “flexible and hybrid” way of working as the default work-from-home arrangement is no longer the default.

Being an employee, I will need to go back to office more often from this week after almost a year since the Covid-19 Circuit Breaker for Singapore. However, it is not that I have not gone back to the office for almost a year. Due to the nature of my work, I have been going back to office regularly a month mainly for meetings notwithstanding most meetings are also held remotely. With the new arrangement, I will definitely go back to office more. And my only gripe is just the time spent on commuting to and fro work which to me could be put to better uses.

However, with the new normal, I believe employees will still spend time telecommuting from home as compared to the pre-Covid 19 norm even when Covid-19 is over. The infrastructure of telecommuting is already here arising from Covid-19 and from what many can see, working from home still works. For me, I am even more productive working from home.

What about yourself? Glad to go back to office more? Or this question is not applicable to you as you are already financially independent or are yourself in your own business doing something you love at your own pace?

That’s it for my insights today.  I Thank you once again for your support of SG STOCKS INVESTING, your Money and Lifestyle magazine! Connect with me here to follow the daily exciting and useful posts on these two blogs, Thank You for your support!

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