Cheng Hong


Dear readers, I have recently watched the 3-part documentary by Channel NewsAsia called Dead Alone.

Just in 2023 alone, there were 37 cases of people in Singapore who were discovered dead alone, as reported by the mass media. For many of the cases, by the time their deaths were discovered through feedback to the authorities (usually the neighbors) of a lingering bad smell, these folks who have passed on, were found in a bad shape. No people should really pass on in such a manner.

Some analysts believe that the actual number of lonely deaths in Singapore could be higher as there would be cases left unreported to the mass media. The trend of lonely deaths in Singapore is expected to rise given our social backdrop with more to choosing to stay single.

The documentary is an interesting one as it features interviews with not just expert analysts, academics, but also the interviews and experiences of a trauma cleaning company founder, an undertaker company director and an executive with Cheng Hong welfare society on this issue.

What strikes me most from the documentary is the good work of Cheng Hong welfare society. Cheng Hong welfare society provides to those living alone a proper farewell at no additional cost and the staff of Cheng Hong even accompany those who departed on their final journey physically and carry out the final rites.

Cheng Hong welfare society has seen the number of cases it handles rise tremendously with more and more cases of dying alone in Singapore and it has become more and more challenging for Cheng Hong given the finite resources and manpower it has, even though from the documentary, I can tell that Cheng Hong staff gives the very Best of their time, hearts to the people they serve. Hence, I sincerely believe Cheng Hong welfare society deserves our support if we can, as they are doing a kind job of ensuring no one should pass one alone and giving those who pass on alone a dignified send off.

You can watch Dead Alone in Singapore below.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Here are some ways on how each of us can do to prevent more from dying alone in Singapore:

  1. Keep in touch with family, friends, and neighbors regularly to check on their well-being and offer support.
  2. Make an effort to reach out to isolated individuals who may be at risk of dying alone, such as elderly individuals, those who live alone, or people who struggle with mental health issues.
  3. Encourage community involvement and volunteerism to create a support network for those who may be at risk of dying alone.
  4. Advocate for policies and resources that support individuals living alone, such as home care services, affordable housing options, and mental health services.
  5. Educate others about the importance of social connections and the impact of loneliness on health and well-being.
  6. Support initiatives that aim to combat loneliness and social isolation in the community, such as senior centers, community centers, and mental health support groups.
  7. Reach out to local organizations and charities that provide support and services to vulnerable populations to see how you can help.

And finally, if you are interested in how we can support the good and kind work of Cheng Hong welfare society, visit Cheng Hong website today.

Life is short, I always am of the view that we must cherish our limited time on earth (averaging around 4,000 weeks (there is even a book titled as such) on worthwhile causes.

If possible, we should strive towards leaving the world much better than before we come to the world, in gist, leave a lasting and positive legacy!

That’s it for my insights today.  I Thank you once again for your support of SG STOCKS INVESTING, your Money and Lifestyle magazine! Connect with me here to follow the daily exciting and useful posts on these two blogs, Thank You for your support!

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