Dear readers, PM Lawrence Wong recently uploaded a video where he called on Singaporeans to be the Best possible version of ourselves.

PM Lawrence shared that his vision of Singapore is one where Success is not just solely on the conventional metrics like money and academic qualification but where Success is defined by how we help each other in our community. PM Wong also highlighted the need for trials and experimentation toward a society that is marked by a more comprehensive definition of success.

I find PM Lawrence’s message uplifting and inspiring. Indeed, to be frank, I still find that the conventional metric of Success in our society is still marked by how well one does in school during schooling days and how fat one’s wallet is when comes to one’s career, though in recent years, it is encouraging to see more coming forward to advocate for more worthy and humanitarian causes.

For myself, I do not define myself in narrow metrics of how big my wallet is, though definitely, wealth is certainly a good enabler for upward mobility.

And this is why, I continue to persevere daily every day in all aspects of my life, never mind, some may compare themselves as richer or more successful in career and in life than me.

Every night, I go to bed knowing that I have done or tried to do my best for the day and will continue to do so, the next day.

If I may share my thought on how to be the best possible version of oneself, I believe a key element is to have a mindset and attitude of continuous learning, specifically on the willingness to learn new and diverse things as well as unlearn things that need to be unlearned.

And if you are reading this post right now, please take care of your health through regular exercise, proper diet, enough sleep and through good positive mental well habits like having avenues to release stress.

I have colleagues who succumb to diseases and pass on, unexpectedly. While we may not exactly control how our health are going to shape out, we can at Best, do our parts to prevent and minimize certain health risks.

A Toast to the Best Possible Version of Ourselves!

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