Best Version of Our Possible Selves


Dear readers, I woke up around 5am today and off I went, to start an early jog at East Coast Park.

I have not done such early morning jogs at East Coast Park for few years now. The other time when I did these jogs it was before Covid-19 (i.e. before year 2020). And thereafter, I believe lethargy set in since waking up so early on weekends requires certain discipline.

I started off from the Lagoon hawker centre in East Coast Park for my jog and saw few stall owners already in the midst of preparing their stalls for the day ahead. Armed with a distance tracker in my watch, I started my jog.

The feeling of an early jog at East Coast Park was always an invigorating: the trees, the scenery of the seas and the still dark surroundings. I was joined by quite a number of joggers jogging past me in both directions during my jog.

As I jogged, I could not help but noticed that there were many tents set up along the beaches. It seems that many were having fun bonding together as friends and families.

It was also heartening to have some joggers jogging in the opposite direction greeting me with a Good Morning and naturally, I greeted back in return.

As I jogged, the dark skies gradually turned brighter. I was totally soaked in sweat by the time I reached Marina Barrage and covered 10 km. The timing compared to the last time I did the jog was about 10 min more but I believe at my age, it is still a decent timing and its about the journey, about keeping fitness for oneself, rather than the need to prove anything to anyone.

That’s it for my insights today.  I Thank you once again for your support of SG STOCKS INVESTING, your Money and Lifestyle magazine! Connect with me here to follow the daily exciting and useful posts on these two blogs, Thank You for your support!

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